Source code for virocon.jointmodels

Models for the joint probability distribution.
import warnings

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable

import numpy as np

import scipy.integrate as integrate

from virocon.distributions import ConditionalDistribution
from virocon.intervals import NumberOfIntervalsSlicer

__all__ = ["GlobalHierarchicalModel", "TransformedModel"]

class MaxIterationWarning(RuntimeWarning):
    """The maximum number of iterations was reached."""

class CouldNotSampleError(RuntimeError):
    """Could not draw sample for the supplied parameters."""

class MultivariateModel(ABC):
    Abstract base class for MultivariateModel.

    Statistical model of multiple variables.


    def pdf(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Probability density function.


    def cdf(self, x):
        Cumulative distribution function.

        x : array_like
            Points at which the cdf is evaluated.
            Shape: (n, n_dim), where n is the number of points at which the
            cdf should be evaluated.

        x = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray_chkfinite(x))

        n_dim = self.n_dim
        integral_order = list(range(n_dim))

        def get_integral_func():
            arg_order = integral_order

            def integral_func(*args):
                assert len(args) == n_dim
                # sort arguments as expected by pdf (the models order)
                x = np.array(args)[np.argsort(arg_order)].reshape((1, n_dim))
                return self.pdf(x)

            return integral_func

        lower_integration_limits = [0] * n_dim

        integral_func = get_integral_func()

        p = np.empty(len(x))
        for i in range(len(x)):
            integration_limits = [
                (lower_integration_limits[j], x[i, j]) for j in range(n_dim)

            p[i], error = integrate.nquad(integral_func, integration_limits)

        return p

    def marginal_pdf(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Marginal probability density function.


    def marginal_icdf(self, p, dim, precision_factor=1):
        Marginal inverse cumulative distribution function.

        Estimates the marginal icdf by drawing a Monte-Carlo sample.
        p : array_like
            Probabilities for which the icdf is evaluated.
            Shape: 1-dimensional
        dim : int
            The dimension for which the marginal is calculated.
        precision_factor : float
            Precision factor that determines the size of the sample to draw.
            A sample is drawn of which on average precision_factor * 100
            realizations exceed the quantile. Minimum sample size is 100000.
            Defaults to 1.0

        p = np.array(p)

        p_min = np.min(p)
        p_max = np.max(p)
        nr_exceeding_points = 100 * precision_factor
        p_small = np.min([p_min, 1 - p_max])
        n = int((1 / p_small) * nr_exceeding_points)
        n = max([n, 100000])
        sample = self.draw_sample(n)
        x = np.quantile(sample[:, dim], p)
        return x

    def draw_sample(self, *args, random_state=None, **kwargs):
        Draw a random sample of length n.


    def conditional_cdf(self, x, dim, given, *, random_state=None):
        # assert len(x) == len(given)
        # TODO optimize: reuse sample for equal givens
        p = np.empty_like(x)
        n = 100_000
        for i, (x_val, given_val) in enumerate(zip(x, given)):
                sample = self.conditional_sample(
                    n, dim, given_val, random_state=random_state
                p[i] = (sample <= x_val).sum() / n
            except CouldNotSampleError:
                p[i] = 0

        return p

    def conditional_icdf(
        self, p, dim, given, precision_factor=1.0, *, random_state=None
        # assert len(p) == len(given)
        # TODO optimize: reuse sample for equal givens
        x = np.empty_like(p)
        # n = 100_000
        nr_exceeding_points = 100 * precision_factor
        for i, (p_val, given_val) in enumerate(zip(p, given)):
            # p_small = np.min([p_min, 1 - p_max])
            p_small = p_val if p_val < 0.5 else 1 - p_val
            n = (1 / p_small) * nr_exceeding_points
            n = min([max([n, 100_000]), 10_000_000])
            n = int(n)
                sample = self.conditional_sample(
                    n, dim, given_val, random_state=random_state
                x[i] = np.quantile(sample, p_val)
            except CouldNotSampleError:
                x[i] = 0  # TODO

        return x

    def conditional_sample(
        self, n, dim, given, *, random_state=None, max_iter=100, debug=False
        # rejection sampling

        # TODO use given properly
        def get_pdf_like(dim, given):
            let y = given
            We want f(x| y).
            => f(x| y) = f(x, y) / f(y)
            f(y) is const as y is const.
            => f(y) is just a normalization constant
            which is not necessary for rejection sampling
            so we need to use dim and given to get f(x, y)

            def pdf_like(x):
                nonlocal dim, given, self
                n_dim = self.n_dim
                given = np.atleast_1d(given)
                x_hat = np.empty((len(x), n_dim))
                j = 0
                for i in range(n_dim):
                    if i == dim:
                        x_hat[:, i] = x
                        x_hat[:, i] = given[j]
                        j += 1
                pdf = self.pdf(x_hat)
                return pdf

            return pdf_like

        pdf = get_pdf_like(dim, given)

        # if random_state already is a np.random.Generator,
        # default_rng returns it unaltered
        rng = np.random.default_rng(random_state)

        # TODO is there a better way to set the minimum value than to set it to close to zero?
        # We use 1e-16 to avoid divide by zero in transform in pdf of transformed model
        x_min = 1e-16

        # TODO is there a better way to find an upper limit of the distribution?
        # For the variables wind speed, significant wave height, peak period and steepness
        # we usually have density approaching 0 at values between 0.07 (steepness) and 50 (wind speed in m/s)
        # Current implementation: Iteratively find a reasonable x_max above which density is close to zero.
        highest_possible_x_max = 100
        lowest_possible_x_max = 0.05
        x_max = highest_possible_x_max
        f_threshold = (
            1e-7  # 10-7 is losely based on Figure 3.4 in DOI: 10.26092/elib/1615
        multiply_xmax_per_iteration = 0.7
        while pdf([x_max]) < f_threshold:
            if x_max * multiply_xmax_per_iteration > lowest_possible_x_max:
                x_max = multiply_xmax_per_iteration * x_max
                    f"Using the smallest possible x_max value of {lowest_possible_x_max} in conditional_sample although the density is still lower than {f_threshold}"
                x_max = lowest_possible_x_max

        # find max value of pdf
        x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, 1000)
        y = pdf(x)
        f_min = 0.0
        f_max = y.max() * 1.001  # Use a limit greater than the maximum of the data

        n_counter = 0
        reject_counter = 0
        partial_samples = []

        for i in range(max_iter):
            if n_counter >= n:
            tmp_n = max([(n - n_counter) * 10, n])
            x = rng.uniform(x_min, x_max, size=tmp_n)
            y = rng.uniform(f_min, f_max, size=tmp_n)

            accept_mask = y < pdf(x)

            n_accept = accept_mask.sum()
            n_reject = tmp_n - n_accept

            n_counter += n_accept
            reject_counter += n_reject

            if n_accept > 0:

        if debug:
            print(f"acceptance rate: {n_counter / (n_counter + reject_counter)}")

        if i == max_iter - 1:
                f"Max iterations was reached, sample size is only {n_counter}. Acceptance rate was {n_counter / (n_counter + reject_counter)} and x_max was {x_max}.",
            if len(partial_samples) == 0:
                raise CouldNotSampleError(
                    "Could not draw sample for the supplied parameters."
            return np.concatenate(partial_samples)
            return np.concatenate(partial_samples)[:n]

[docs]class GlobalHierarchicalModel(MultivariateModel): """ Hierarchical probabilistic model. Probabilistic model that covers the complete range of an environmental variable ("global"), following a particular hierarchical dependence structure. The factorization describes a hierarchy where a random variable with index i can only depend upon random variables with indices less than i [1]_ . Parameters ---------- dist_descriptions : dict Description of the distributions. Attributes ---------- distributions : list The distributions used in the GlobalHierachicalModel. conditional_on : list Indicates the dependencies between the variables of the model. One entry per distribution/dimension. Contains either None or int. If the ith entry is None, the ith distribution is unconditional. If the ith entry is an int j, the ith distribution depends on the jth dimension. interval_slicers : list One interval slicer per dimension. The interval slicer used for slicing the intervals of the corresponding dimension, when necessary during fitting. n_dim : int The number of dimensions, i.e. the number of variables of the model. References ---------- .. [1] Haselsteiner, A.F.; Sander, A.; Ohlendorf, J.H.; Thoben, K.D. (2020) Global hierarchical models for wind and wave contours: physical interpretations of the dependence functions. OMAE 2020, Fort Lauderdale, USA. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Examples -------- Create a Hs-Tz model and fit it to the available data. The following example follows the methodology of OMAE2020 [1]_ . Example 1.1: Load the predefined OMAE 2020 model of Hs-Tz. >>> from virocon import (GlobalHierarchicalModel, get_OMAE2020_Hs_Tz, ... read_ec_benchmark_dataset) >>> data = read_ec_benchmark_dataset("datasets/ec-benchmark_dataset_D_1year.txt") >>> dist_descriptions, fit_descriptions, semantics = get_OMAE2020_Hs_Tz() >>> ghm = GlobalHierarchicalModel(dist_descriptions) >>>, fit_descriptions=fit_descriptions) Example 1.2: Create the same OMEA 2020 model manually. >>> from virocon import (DependenceFunction, ExponentiatedWeibullDistribution, ... LogNormalDistribution, WidthOfIntervalSlicer) >>> def _asymdecrease3(x, a, b, c): ... return a + b / (1 + c * x) >>> def _lnsquare2(x, a, b, c): ... return np.log(a + b * np.sqrt(np.divide(x, 9.81))) >>> bounds = [(0, None), ... (0, None), ... (None, None)] >>> sigma_dep = DependenceFunction(_asymdecrease3, bounds=bounds) >>> mu_dep = DependenceFunction(_lnsquare2, bounds=bounds) >>> dist_description_hs = {"distribution" : ExponentiatedWeibullDistribution(), ... "intervals" : WidthOfIntervalSlicer(width=0.5, ... min_n_points=50) ... } >>> dist_description_tz = {"distribution" : LogNormalDistribution(), ... "conditional_on" : 0, ... "parameters" : {"sigma" : sigma_dep, ... "mu": mu_dep, ... }, ... } >>> dist_descriptions = [dist_description_hs, dist_description_tz] >>> fit_description_hs = {"method" : "wlsq", "weights" : "quadratic"} >>> fit_descriptions = [fit_description_hs, None] >>> semantics = {"names" : ["Significant wave height", "Zero-crossing wave period"], ... "symbols" : ["H_s", "T_z"], ... "units" : ["m", "s"] ... } >>> ghm = GlobalHierarchicalModel(dist_descriptions) >>>, fit_descriptions=fit_descriptions) """ _dist_description_keys = { "distribution", "intervals", "conditional_on", "parameters", } def __init__(self, dist_descriptions): self.distributions = [] self.conditional_on = [] self.interval_slicers = [] self.n_dim = len(dist_descriptions) self._check_dist_descriptions(dist_descriptions) for dist_desc in dist_descriptions: # dist_class = dist_desc["distribution"] dist = dist_desc["distribution"] self.interval_slicers.append( dist_desc.get("intervals", NumberOfIntervalsSlicer(n_intervals=10)) ) if "conditional_on" in dist_desc: self.conditional_on.append(dist_desc["conditional_on"]) dist = ConditionalDistribution(dist, dist_desc["parameters"]) self.distributions.append(dist) else: self.conditional_on.append(None) self.distributions.append(dist) if self.conditional_on[0] is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Illegal state encountered. The first dimension " "has to be independent, but was conditional on " f"{self.conditional_on[0]}." ) def __repr__(self): name = "GlobalHierarchicalModel" dists = repr(self.distributions) # dists = dists.replace("), ", "),\n") cond_on = repr(self.conditional_on) return f"{name}(distributions={dists}, conditional_on={cond_on})" def _check_dist_descriptions(self, dist_descriptions): for i, dist_desc in enumerate(dist_descriptions): if not "distribution" in dist_desc: raise ValueError( "Mandatory key 'distribution' missing in " f"dist_description for dimension {i}" ) if "conditional_on" in dist_desc and not "parameters" in dist_desc: raise ValueError( "For conditional distributions the " "dist_description key 'parameters' " f"is mandatory but was missing for dimension {i}." ) unknown_keys = set(dist_desc).difference(self._dist_description_keys) if len(unknown_keys) > 0: raise ValueError( "Unknown key(s) in dist_description for " f"dimension {i}." f"Known keys are {self._dist_description_keys}, " f"but found {unknown_keys}." ) def _split_in_intervals(self, data, dist_idx, conditioning_idx): slicer = self.interval_slicers[conditioning_idx] conditioning_data = data[:, conditioning_idx] interval_slices, interval_centers, interval_boundaries = slicer.slice_( conditioning_data ) dist_data = [data[int_slice, dist_idx] for int_slice in interval_slices] return dist_data, interval_centers, interval_boundaries def _check_and_fill_fit_desc(self, fit_descriptions): default_fit_desc = {"method": "mle", "weights": None} if fit_descriptions is None: fit_descriptions = [default_fit_desc for i in range(self.n_dim)] else: if len(fit_descriptions) != self.n_dim: raise ValueError( "fit_description must have one entry per dimension, but " f"a length of {len(fit_descriptions)} != {self.n_dim} was found." ) for i in range(len(fit_descriptions)): if fit_descriptions[i] is None: fit_descriptions[i] = default_fit_desc else: if not "method" in fit_descriptions[i]: raise ValueError( "Mandatory key 'method' missing in " f"fit_description for dimension {i}." ) if not "weights" in fit_descriptions[i]: fit_descriptions[i]["weights"] = None return fit_descriptions
[docs] def fit(self, data, fit_descriptions=None): """ Fit joint model to data. Method of estimating the parameters of a probability distribution to given data. Parameters ---------- data : array-like The data that should be used to fit the joint model. Shape: (number of realizations, n_dim) fit_description : dict Description of the fit method. Defaults to None. """ data = np.array(data) fit_descriptions = self._check_and_fill_fit_desc(fit_descriptions) if data.shape[-1] != self.n_dim: raise ValueError( "The dimension of data does not match the " "dimension of the model. " f"The model has {self.n_dim} dimensions, " f"but the data has {data.shape[-1]} dimensions." ) for i in range(self.n_dim): dist = self.distributions[i] conditioning_idx = self.conditional_on[i] fit_method = fit_descriptions[i]["method"] weights = fit_descriptions[i]["weights"] if conditioning_idx is None:[:, i], fit_method, weights) else: ( dist_data, conditioning_data, conditioning_interval_boundaries, ) = self._split_in_intervals(data, i, conditioning_idx) # dist data is a list of ndarray # and conditioning_data is a list of interval points dist_data, conditioning_data, conditioning_interval_boundaries, fit_method, weights, ) self.distributions[ i ] = dist # TODO is the writeback necessary? -> probably not
[docs] def pdf(self, x): """ Probability density function. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Points at which the pdf is evaluated. Shape: (n, n_dim), where n is the number of points at which the pdf should be evaluated. """ # Ensure that x is a 2D numpy array. x = np.array(x) if x.ndim == 1: x = np.array([x]) x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x) fs = np.empty_like(x) fs[:, 0] = self.distributions[0].pdf(x[:, 0]) for i in range(1, self.n_dim): if self.conditional_on[i] is None: fs[:, i] = self.distributions[i].pdf(x[:, i]) else: cond_idx = self.conditional_on[i] fs[:, i] = self.distributions[i].pdf(x[:, i], given=x[:, cond_idx]) return, axis=-1)
[docs] def marginal_pdf(self, x, dim): """ Marginal probability density function. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Points at which the pdf is evaluated. Shape: 1-dimensional dim : int The dimension for which the marginal is calculated. """ # x = x.reshape((-1, 1)) if self.conditional_on[dim] is None: # the distribution is not conditional -> it is the marginal return self.distributions[dim].pdf(x) # the distribution is conditional # thus we integrate over the joint pdf to get the marginal # TODO check size of x n_dim = self.n_dim integral_order = list(range(n_dim)) del integral_order[dim] # we do not integrate over the dim'th variable integral_order = integral_order[::-1] # we integrate over last dimensions first # scipy.integrate.nquad expects one argument per dimension # thus we have to wrap the (joint) pdf def get_integral_func(): arg_order = integral_order + [dim] def integral_func(*args): assert len(args) == n_dim # sort arguments as expected by pdf (the models order) # arguments = list(args)[:-1] # arguments.append(args[-1][0]) x = np.array(args)[np.argsort(arg_order)].reshape((1, n_dim)) return self.pdf(x) return integral_func # TODO make limits a property of the distributions? # "for var in integral_order append limits" # but for now we simplify that all vars have the same limits limit = (0, np.inf) limits = [limit] * (n_dim - 1) f = np.empty_like(x) integral_func = get_integral_func() for i, x_i in enumerate(x): result, _ = integrate.nquad(integral_func, ranges=limits, args=[x_i]) f[i] = result return f
[docs] def marginal_cdf(self, x, dim): """ Marginal cumulative distribution function. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Points at which the cdf is evaluated. Shape: 1-dimensional dim : int The dimension for which the marginal is calculated. """ # x = x.reshape((-1, 1)) if self.conditional_on[dim] is None: # the distribution is not conditional -> it is the marginal return self.distributions[dim].cdf(x) # the distribution is conditional # thus we integrate over the joint pdf to get the marginal pdf # and then integrate the marginal pdf to get the marginal cdf # TODO check size of x n_dim = self.n_dim integral_order = list(range(n_dim)) del integral_order[dim] integral_order = integral_order[::-1] # we integrate over last dimensions first integral_order = integral_order + [ dim ] # finally we integrate over the dim'th var # scipy.integrate.nquad expects one argument per dimension # thus we have to wrap the (joint) pdf def get_integral_func(): arg_order = integral_order def integral_func(*args): assert len(args) == n_dim # sort arguments as expected by pdf (the models order) # arguments = list(args)[:-1] # arguments.append(args[-1][0]) x = np.array(args)[np.argsort(arg_order)].reshape((1, n_dim)) return self.pdf(x) return integral_func # TODO make limits (or lower limit) a property of the distributions? limit = (0, np.inf) limits = [limit] * (n_dim - 1) F = np.empty_like(x) integral_func = get_integral_func() for i, x_i in enumerate(x): result, _ = integrate.nquad(integral_func, ranges=limits + [(0, x_i)]) F[i] = result return F
[docs] def marginal_icdf(self, p, dim, precision_factor=1): """ Marginal inverse cumulative distribution function. Estimates the marginal icdf by drawing a Monte-Carlo sample. Parameters ---------- p : array_like Probabilities for which the icdf is evaluated. Shape: 1-dimensional dim : int The dimension for which the marginal is calculated. precision_factor : float Precision factor that determines the size of the sample to draw. A sample is drawn of which on average precision_factor * 100 realizations exceed the quantile. Minimum sample size is 100000. Defaults to 1.0 """ p = np.array(p) if self.conditional_on[dim] is None: # the distribution is not conditional -> it is the marginal return self.distributions[dim].icdf(p) else: return super().marginal_icdf(p, dim, precision_factor)
[docs] def conditional_cdf(self, x, dim, given, *, random_state=None): # assert len(x) == len(given) distributions = self.distributions conditional_on = self.conditional_on if conditional_on[dim] is None: p = distributions[dim].cdf(x) else: cond_idx = conditional_on[dim] p = distributions[dim].cdf(x, given=given[:, cond_idx]) return p
[docs] def conditional_icdf(self, p, dim, given, *, random_state=None): # assert len(p) == len(given) distributions = self.distributions conditional_on = self.conditional_on if conditional_on[dim] is None: x = distributions[dim].icdf(p) else: cond_idx = conditional_on[dim] x = distributions[dim].icdf(p, given=given[:, cond_idx]) return x
[docs] def draw_sample(self, n, *, random_state=None): """ Draw a random sample of size n. Parameters ---------- n : int Sample size. random_state : {None, int, numpy.random.Generator}, optional Can be used to draw a reproducible sample. """ if random_state is not None: # if random_state already is a np.random.Generator, default_rng returns it unaltered random_state = np.random.default_rng(random_state) samples = np.zeros((n, self.n_dim)) for i in range(self.n_dim): cond_idx = self.conditional_on[i] dist = self.distributions[i] if cond_idx is None: samples[:, i] = dist.draw_sample(n, random_state=random_state) else: conditioning_values = samples[:, cond_idx] samples[:, i] = dist.draw_sample( 1, conditioning_values, random_state=random_state ) return samples
[docs]class TransformedModel(MultivariateModel):
[docs] def __init__( self, model: GlobalHierarchicalModel, transform: Callable, inverse: Callable, jacobian: Callable, precision_factor: float = 1.0, random_state: int = None, ): """A joint distribution that was defined in another variable space. Args: model (GlobalHierarchicalModel): Joint distribution in original variable space transform (Callable): Function to transform this model back to original variable space inverse (Callable): Function to transform from the original variable space to this model's space jacobian (Callable): jacobian matrix, see page 31 in DOI: 10.26092/elib/2181 precision_factor (float, optional): Lower precision results in faster computation. Defaults to 1.0. random_state (int, optional): Can be used to fix random numbers. Defaults to None. """ self.model = model self.transform = transform self.inverse = inverse self.jacobian = jacobian self.precision_factor = precision_factor self.random_state = random_state self.n_dim = self.model.n_dim self._sample = None
@property def sample(self): if self._sample is None: self._sample = self.draw_sample(int(1e6)) return self._sample def __repr__(self): name = "TransformedModel" model = repr(self.model) transform = repr(self.transform) inverse = repr(self.inverse) jacobian = repr(self.jacobian) return f"{name}(model={model}, transform={transform}, inverse={inverse}, jacobian={jacobian})"
[docs] def fit(self, data, *args, **kwargs): """ Fit joint model to data. Method of estimating the parameters of a probability distribution to given data. Parameters ---------- data : array-like The data that should be used to fit the joint model. Shape: (number of realizations, n_dim) """ return, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def pdf(self, x): """ Probability density function. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Points at which the pdf is evaluated. Shape: (n, n_dim), where n is the number of points at which the pdf should be evaluated. """ # model_pdf = self.model.pdf(self.transform(x)) # return np.where(model_pdf >= 1e-8, model_pdf * self.jacobian(x), 0) return self.model.pdf(self.transform(x)) * self.jacobian(x)
[docs] def cdf(self, x): """ Cumulative distribution function. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Points at which the cdf is evaluated. Shape: (n, n_dim), where n is the number of points at which the cdf should be evaluated. """ x = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray_chkfinite(x)) n_dim = self.n_dim integral_order = list(range(n_dim)) def get_integral_func(): arg_order = integral_order def integral_func(*args): assert len(args) == n_dim # sort arguments as expected by pdf (the models order) x = np.array(args)[np.argsort(arg_order)].reshape((1, n_dim)) return self.pdf(x) return integral_func lower_integration_limits = [0] * n_dim integral_func = get_integral_func() p = np.empty(len(x)) for i in range(len(x)): integration_limits = [ (lower_integration_limits[j], x[i, j]) for j in range(n_dim) ] p[i], error = integrate.nquad(integral_func, integration_limits) return p
[docs] def empirical_cdf(self, x, sample=None): if sample is None: sample = self.sample n = len(sample) x = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray_chkfinite(x)) events = x[:, np.newaxis, :] leq_events = (sample <= events).all(axis=-1) result = leq_events.sum(axis=-1) / n return result
[docs] def marginal_pdf(self, x, dim): """ Marginal probability density function. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Points at which the pdf is evaluated. Shape: 1-dimensional dim : int The dimension for which the marginal is calculated. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def marginal_cdf(self, x, dim): """ Marginal cumulative distribution function. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Points at which the cdf is evaluated. Shape: 1-dimensional dim : int The dimension for which the marginal is calculated. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def draw_sample(self, n): """ Draw a random sample of size n. Parameters ---------- n : int Sample size. """ return self.inverse(self.model.draw_sample(n))